Our Story

Our Beginning

In 1993, Bill Blake founded Feature Flooring. Eventually his sons, Lee and Cole, joined the family business where they mixed, cleaned and troweled at an early age and learned the operations side as they got older. Now, Lee Blake is our CEO and Cole Blake oversees operations.

Our founder Bill Blake had a passion for building and problem-solving, which led to a career as an engineer working on bridges up and down the East Coast. Raised in Baltimore, he set out to solve the floor problems local restaurateurs and bar owners were experiencing and developed a revolutionary material that was durable, safe and easy to install without shutting down.

JetRock® was Born

In 2002, founder Bill Blake invented JetRock flooring and today it is sold nationwide. In 2010, the University of Maryland asked us to shorten the cure time and improve heat resistance. JetRock was born to meet these demands and today is the one of the most durable commercial flooring available. It is perfect for commercial kitchens, bathrooms, shower rooms and laundry facilities – anywhere you need a heavy-duty, attractive floor that is extremely watertight and slip resistant.

“Get rid of slippery, unhealthy cracked tile floors with a seamless and waterproof JetRock floor. Virtually maintenance free and extremely durable, a JetRock floor easily withstands the harsh environments and constant use common in commercial kitchens. JetRock can be installed overnight for little or no downtime to your business.”

Feature Flooring Capabilities

3M+ / SF


2.7M+ / SF

still performing


happy customers


health citations
We’ve installed more than 3 million square feet of JetRock® flooring.
None of our floors have ever experienced health inspection citations.
We have over 90% of our original floors still performing after two decades of installs.
This year alone, we’ve installed 44 football fields worth of floors.

Only Mid-Atlantic Installer of JetRock®

JetRock® is long-lasting, leak-proof, hygienic, cost effective and hassle-free. The best choice for commercial floors. Feature Flooring is the only Mid-Atlantic installer of JetRock.® We’re also certified installers for Protective Industrial Polymers and Verdia urethane concrete flooring for your industrial flooring needs. Feature Flooring is the commercial flooring expert for all your needs. What are you waiting for?

What Can We Do For You?